
This option overrides the default string comparison behavior of the core SQL engine.  By default, the core SQL engine makes case insensitive comparisons.  This default behavior can be changed globally with a configuration setting.  Additionally the behavior can be changed at a statement level with this escape clause.  This setting, nor the global setting will change the case comparison behavior of the target database.  If an index is used by the database, the databases comparison normal behavior will occur.  This setting only applies to string comparisons done within the CONNX core, outside of the database.  CONNX metadata system tables are always case insensitive regardless of these settings.  When used with a query that invloves a single table, this function will have no affect on the case-sensitivity of the results.



SELECT a.*, b.*

FROM db.dbo.tab a, db.dbo.tab b


a.unique_key = b.unique_key

{casesensitive} /* force case-sensitive comparisons for non-key comparison */